Intellectual Property



Intellectual Property

A solo exhibition of work by Julia Dratel

September 22, 2018 - November 17, 2018 at Elastic Arts, Chicago, IL

Curated by Kim Alpert

Opening Reception: September 22, 2018, 3PM-7PM, free, refreshments served, all ages (Facebook Event) 

Intellectual Property is a collection of photographs (film and digital), moving images, and words by Julia Dratel that are caught in the ongoing negotiation of internal and external worlds. The assembled works together form ruminations and queries into trauma and memory, capitalism and social control, kinds of information and kinds of taking up space, family, and portraits of the living and nonliving. She is interested in blurring still life, the intimacy of documentary, and performance through imagery that is both casual and surreal.

Species among us understand

the buoyancy: not

rising but a refusal

to sink, a long


Image: how can you lose. julia dratel. digital photograph, 2018. 


GoFundMe: On September 10th, a bunch of my stuff was stolen including my laptop and hard drives including some of the artwork I was working on for this show…I also rely on a laptop for work and affording a new one isn’t an option immediately. Some very kind friends set up this GoFundMe to help me cover the costs. I know there are way more important fundraisers all the time, but if you’re able to contribute I’d be very grateful and can offer a complimentary portrait session.


Update: Here’s an interview with me about my work and this show, published in Issue 81 of The Media!